
If you suspect you have gulls nesting we can offer a site survey to establish if a full removal service would be needed as it is important that gull work is carried out before there are chicks. Gulls start laying eggs from early May onwards, so don’t put off getting in touch with us as the job will become more costly and time consuming for you the longer it is left.
We are fully insured and only act under license on all work to make sure both your selves and us are protected by the work we do.

Reasons to act

There are several reasons why work may be requested and these can be to preserve public health and safety or even to prevent building damage. Others that may affect you could be:

  • The potential of gulls being very noisy during the breeding and nesting period
  • The build-up of droppings and nesting materials on your building which may cause a potential health risk
  • Potential damage caused to your building from nesting material or gulls themselves
  • Potential risk of swooping on people around your building


Nest removal
Egg removal
Chick removal

Prevention Measures

The best way to deal with any gull work is to prevent nests and eggs from being there in the first place and using preventative methods to act before it becomes a problem. These methods could be either of these:

  • Bird free fire gel
  • Nest removal

So if you need professional help with your gull problem get in touch today.

Scottish Gull Trial

After the successful gull trial we ran in 2021 (report can be downloaded here Humane Wildlife Solutions Scottish Gull Trial 2021 Report) with our partners at Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue, The NEW ARC, South of Scotland Wildlife Hospital and Blue Highlands Raptor Rescue, we have developed new guidance for non-lethal gull removal which can be found below. We thank everyone for their efforts throughout the trial and also to Zoologist Flo Blackbourn for helping develop this guidance.

This guidance has been approved by NatureScot and is for the use of anyone licensed to do gull removal.

Removal & Transportation of Gull Chicks & Eggs to Rescue Centres – Logistics and Welfare Considerations


For the love of Gulls - Humane Wildlife Solutions - Scotland

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